Day 1 - The Fullness of God Take some time today to reflect on the fullness of God’s love in an effort to know and comprehend what is the breadth, length, depth, and height of God’s love towards us, that we might be filled with all the fullness of God according to Ephesians 3:18-19. Prayer "Father God, though it is difficult for our finite minds to comprehend, help us to know and understand the fullness of Your love towards us. In Jesus name. Amen."
Day 2 - Be Anxious For Nothing Proverbs 12:25 says that Anxiety in the heart/soul of man causes Depression, but a good word makes it Glad. Therefore, keep the Word of God in your heart/soul and be glad. Prayer "Father God, cleanse the thoughts of our minds by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as we put Your word in our heart/soul, that we are not affected by the depression that comes with anxiety. In Jesus name. Amen."
Day 3 - Rise Early To Seek The Lord The Lord God says in Proverbs 8:17 that those who seek Me early shall find Me. Therefore, arise early to seek the Lord. Prayer "Father God, order our steps and direct our path as we rise early each morning to seek You for instruction for each day. In Jesus name. Amen."

Day 4 - Be Guided by God’s Word Psalm 119:105 declares that The Word of God is a LAMP unto your feet, and a LIGHT unto your path. Let us use God’s word as the source of light that will guide us through this sin darkened world. Prayer "Father God, help us to use the source of light that You’ve provided in Your Word to Guide us through this dark world of sin. In Jesus name. Amen."
Day 5 - Guard And Protect Your Mind Be careful to Guard and protect your mind. For it matters not what you believe or know. IT MATTERS MORE WHAT YOU THINK, BECAUSE THINKING MAKES IT SO ACCORDING TO PROVERBS 23:7 THAT SAYS, AS YOU THINK IN YOUR HEART, SO ARE YOU. Therefore, make sure that what you are thinking and programming in your mind is what you believe and know of the word of God and not what the world and satan subtly put into your mind.
Prayer "Father God, help us make a conscience effect to renew our minds daily with your word that we may be able to receive your promised blessings. In Jesus name. Amen."
Day 6 - Praise And Worship God Praise and worship the Lord our God with your whole heart: for His lovingkindness and truth that He continues to extend towards us: for He has magnified His Word above all His name according to Psalm 38: 1-2. Prayer "Father God, I pray that you would inhabit the praises of your people today in every worship service so much so that healing, deliverance and breakthroughs will occur. In Jesus name. Amen."
Day 7 - Believe And Receive Jesus said in Mark 11:24, Whatever things you ask when you pray, BELIEVE that you RECEIVE them, and you will have them. Therefore, if you’re going to bring your 2020 vision to pass you must BELIEVE the vision. Prayer "Father God, we believe, but help our unbelief. In Jesus name. Amen."